Holden's obsession with where the ducks from the Central Park Lagoon might be a way to distract himself from the loneliness of his life. He doesn't really have any real friends and his constant obsession with the Central Park Lagoon ducks, a question that he can never answer takes up the space in his mind when his usual negative thoughts lie idle. It may be something he returns to when his thoughts run out and he is left with the truth of things.
11/21/2013 08:50:04 pm

Patrick, I like your description, I didn't read the book but I got a clear understanding of how the character is like and it seems like it has a lot of melodrama and the others's quotes were very good as well :)!

11/21/2013 08:50:54 pm

The quotes were explained thoroughly and the story seems interesting! Well done!

11/21/2013 08:51:07 pm

I noticed that there is no quote. Is that because you forgot to type it in or because this is something that re-aperes in the story but there is no specific quote about it?

11/25/2013 08:22:33 pm

It is, as you said, something that appears multiple times during the course of the story and thus has no specific or general quote.

Ms. Surridge
12/1/2013 08:10:04 pm

Alex, I did say that you could use one of your responses to a writing prompt as a blog post. Feel free to do that as well, if you want.

11/25/2013 02:35:21 am

While reading your quote, I realized that the story you are reading might be very similar to ''Flight'' since both of these characters, Zits and Holden seem lost in life.

Ms. Surridge
12/1/2013 08:08:56 pm

That's a very insightful comment, Patrick. Salinger carefully crafted Holden's thoughts and actions to encourage the reader to recognize the patterns in his habits (habits of mind as much as behavioral habits). This could be a good basis on which to build your character analysis next week.


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