Quote: Chapter 13, Page 89
"Nobody's calling anybody a thief. All I know is my gloves were in your goddam galoshes." 

In this part of the story, Holden Caulfield is walking from Ernie's (a club in downtown New York) to the hotel room he rented. During his walk, he put on his red hunting hat and started thinking about his pair of gloves that was stolen from him when he was at Pencey. He thought of them because it was cold and he really wanted the gloves back. He was making up a scenario in which he found the culprit but would have taken the gloves back without a fight.
11/21/2013 08:52:32 pm

This analysis shows that you read this part of the story, and really understood this book.

11/25/2013 03:33:04 am

Great explanation of what was occurring in the story during that period of time. Gave me quite a bit of understanding of the character and I liked how you did that.

Ms. Surridge
12/1/2013 08:05:17 pm

Holden's daydreams reveal a lot about him. This could be a good focal point for your analysis of his character. When does he daydream? What does he fantasize about? What does this reveal about him? Do you think he's still a daydreamer by the time the novel ends?


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